About Us
Our aqualculture platfform is an integrated end-to-end solution [from farm to plate], powered by Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence, to accelarate the transition to a sustainable blue economy. Our goal is to bring market transparency so the fish farmers can obtain better value for their products and increases their competitiveness.
Do you know what the Bludocc platform can do for your
Science and innovation to boost aquaculture business performance
Complete traceability
Smart marketplace to transparently connect supply and demand
Find out more details about our solutions for your farm
BLUconsult - Science and innovation to boost aquaculture business performance
Software as a Service - SaaS solution for knowledge management and business intelligence applied to aquaculture farms, to assist producers in decision making from hatchery to harvest. Through our mobile application we capture data throughout the crop cycle and, in real time, through our deep data analysis algorithms and Artificial Intelligence, we provide context-sensitive suggestions and alerts to improve farm productivity, such as:
Monitoring water quality parameters
Feed consumption patterns and
Animal health management
BLUcommerce - Smart marketplace to transparently connect supply and demand
Robust omniChannel marketplace to connect (matchmaking) suppliers, producers, buyers and partners, built to promote direct exchange of value and trust between the parties, the engagement and business scalability through the network effect. The platform has the ability to provide all actors in the value chain with valuable connections, with a multitude of information, surprise with more than they want, due to machine learning (AI/Machine Learning) and the accurate recommendations based on data. Our goal is to bring market transparency so the fish farmers can obtain better value for their products and increases their competitiveness.
BLUdocc – Complete traceability
Our platform with integrated modules allows us to monitor the adoption of good practices that are transversal to the sustainability of the business throughout the value chain, from production to sales, enabling us to issue a certification of sustainably farmed fish (BLUdocc seal– controlled and certified designation of origin), which guarantees not only the quality of the fish "(e.g. "chemical-free" or "hormone-free"), but also the health of consumers. It tends to be more and more a requirement (irreversible) of the markets.

José Pascasio
Operations & Finance

Luis Pinheiro
Strategy & Business Developer

Milton Mendes
ITC & AI Expert

Oton Braga
Product & Data Expert
Our current partners and supporters

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